I'll show you a couple of different projects in this post. The first pictures are from a still-life that the 7th and 8th graders drew. I set up a small scene in the middle of the room consisting of a lantern, a couple of candlesticks, a toy car, an old iron, a teapot, and either a cow skull or a cowboy hat. The students had to draw them using the contour line method.

I don't know why blogspot turns some of the pictures, and I don't know how to rotate them, so I apologize. These were made by Talissia, Kris, Leopold, and Hannah.
Here are some pieces made by the 6th graders I call Variations on a Theme. They did a two color print, a contour line drawing, a rubbing, and a metal version of some foliage. It makes for some interesting compositions.

These were made by Thearion, Hannah, and Tori.
Wow! Nice stuff! The still life pieces are better than what I did in art class in college. Guess your students are talented, where I am not.